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摇滚大魔头Ozzy Osbourne钦点讚誉「金属乐的未来」,睽违近三年第四张录音室新作! 收录登上全美主流摇滚榜双週冠军+现代摇滚榜Top10的「Inside The Fire」! Nu-Metal已死?Linkin Park减少饶舌/DJ比重、Korn越趋电子领域靠拢、Limp Bizkit的新作难产多时…这些经典代表都在摇滚区块改朝换代下,逐步调整自己的风格走向,然而曾在怒金属风潮中呼风唤雨,被摇滚大魔头Ozzy Osbourne钦点讚誉为「金属乐的未来」之大团Disturbed,则将再光芒四射地振兴其纯良品种。不断追寻传统金属之精髓的Disturbed,不似那些融合嘻哈/饶舌的Nu-Metal队伍,提供更有深度的音乐内涵。光头主唱David Draiman更已入籍老字号金属/摇滚杂志Hit Parader所严选的「史上百大顶尖重金属主唱」第42名。2000年发行的首张专辑"The Sickness"不仅狂销三百馀万张,更赢得英国权威摇滚杂志Kerrang!五星满分评价。后续推出的"Believe"和"Ten Thousand Fists"等大碟皆全数空降全美流行+网路专辑榜双冠军,专业音乐网站AMG皆奉上四颗星推荐。 睽违近三年出版的第四张录音室新作"Indestructible",Disturbed首度一肩扛起製作大任。在一阵如消防演习的警铃大作中拉开序幕,立即深陷包覆厚重吉他与鼓击搭起的金属音网中;接着感染力延展至第一波主打「Inside The Fire」裡头,用高压强力电子气流润饰,仍不缺少的吉他Solo于曲中飙升,瞬间激起亢奋的聆听情绪,已登上全美主流摇滚榜双週冠军+现代摇滚榜Top10位置;David如野兽撕裂吼叫的嗓音展现于「Deceiver」中,绝对令Disturbed迷们大呼过瘾,是支瞄准排行榜的正点推荐佳作;「Haunted」强化鞭打激流,经过一段鬼魅般呓语,透着不寒而慄之诡谲感;「The Curse」与「Criminal」回归Nu-Metal全盛时期Disturbed引来的初次悸动,紧密结合那份呛爆的猛度,直到热辣的「Divide」以及结尾的「Facade」,完全无抒情歌曲的陪衬,火力全开、直接轰炸你对金属摇滚渴望已久的心! by James Christopher Monger Disturbed's fourth full-length offering announces its arrival with an air-raid siren. It's an appropriate gesture for the popular Chicago-based metal collective, whose rapid ascension from buzzed-about Ozzfest highlight to commercial hard rock juggernaut has been as divisive as it has been impressive. While Indestructible doesn't meddle with the melodic hard-hitting Pantera-inspired formula that fueled its predecessors, the dreaded nu-metal tag that followed the band out of the turn of the century seems wholly eradicated. If anything, Disturbed owe more to early-'90s Metallica and Brian Johnson-era AC/DC than they do Tool or Korn, as each staccato, tech-heavy riff is balanced out by some truly artful soloing and frontman David Draiman's mean and melodious pipes. Standout cuts like "Inside the Fire," "Deceiver, " "The Curse," and the skull-cracking title track, even though they could have appeared on any of the group's first three records, still manage to fire on every cylinder. Like its closest contemporary, Godsmack, this is a band that favors reliability over experimentation, and each piece of Indestructible, whether it's the pseudo-horror/fantasy artwork, the drop-D riffing, or the obligatory "shout-outs" in the liner notes to the purveyors of each member's gear endorsement deals, fits together like the world's most obvious puzzle. That said, there's a reason each of the group's previous albums bested the million mark, and with metal growing increasingly self-aware and divided between hardcore and hard rock, a new Disturbed record seems like a solid foundation on which to duke it out.


