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Shepherd Moons

Shepherd Moons

恩雅凭此专辑第一次获得格莱美音乐奖。《Shepherd Moons(牧羊人之月)》是其所有专辑唱片中的冠军作品,超越了《Watermark》的销量,进一步奠定了她在Newage音乐领域的号召力。唱片制作人依然是为Enya打造首张专辑的Nicky Ryan,风格上沿袭了《Watermark》中爱尔兰凯尔特音乐与Newage编曲相结合的风格,而且趋于成熟。为您推荐其中的四首--主打曲《Shepherd Moons》为演奏曲目,加入了大量空灵而神秘的和声,好似把听众置身于太空世界。 by Ned Raggett Calling Shepherd Moons a near carbon copy of Watermark puts it quite mildly. Like Watermark, Shepherd Moons opens with the title track, a calm instrumental, has another brief instrumental titled after a Dora Saint book smack in the middle ("No Holly for Miss Quinn"), and concludes with a number incorporating a striking uilleann pipes solo, "Smaointe...." In general, Enya's own musical style and work remains the same, again assisted on production by Nicky Ryan and with lyrics by Roma Ryan. Shepherd Moons does have one key factor that's also carried over from Watermark -- it's quite good listening. Though the total continuity means that those who enjoy her work will again be pleased and those who dislike it won't change their minds, in terms of finding her own vision and sticking with it, Enya has increasingly polished and refined her work to a strong, elegant degree. "Caribbean Blue," the lead single, avoids repeating the successful formula of "Orinoco Flow" by means of its waltz time -- a subtle enough change, but one that colors and drives the overall composition and performance, the closest Enya might ever get to a dance number. Some songs call to mind traditional Irish music even more strongly than much of her earlier work, while two other tracks are haunting rearrangements of old, traditional numbers. With her trademark understated drama in full flow many other places, especially on the wonderful "Book of Days" (replaced on later pressings with an English language version done for the film Far and Away), Enya shows herself to still have it, to grand effect.
