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古巴哈瓦那、波兰佩希采、法国巴黎、以色列特拉维夫、美国好莱坞、中国北京……六大录音棚 古巴、乌克兰、波兰、美国、法国、以色列、赞比亚、委内瑞拉……30位世界音乐家 《花好月圆》、《步步高》、《喜洋洋》、《紫竹调》、《百鸟朝凤》、《旱天雷》……六首流传百年的经典民乐 最擅长传统文化跨界的“新乐府”艺高人胆大,跨越世界音乐、阿卡贝拉、电子、雷鬼、说唱多种曲风,连接笛子、唢呐、琵琶、高胡等代表性民乐,最耳熟能详的曲目将以最意想不到的方式覆盖你的听觉,《新乐府·全球大拜年》,定义音乐新国潮。 Six recording studios in Six Cities: Havana-Cuba, Pesice-Poland, Paris-France, Tel Aviv-Israel, Hollywood-USA, Beijing-China… Thirty Musicians from 10 countries: Cuba, Ukraine, Poland, USA, France, Israel, Zambia, Venezuela… Six ever-popular classic folk music: “Beautiful Flowers and Full Moon”, ”Bu Bu Gao” , “Xi Yang Yang”, ”Purple Bamboo Melody”, ”Song of The Phoenix”, ”Thunder in the Dry Summer”… China Music House, the label connecting tradition to the future, picks a variety of styles: world music, acapella, electronics, reggae, rap, joining the melody of Flute, Pipa, Suona, Gaohu and other representative folk music in one album. The most familiar tracks will cover your hearing in the most unexpected way. “China Music House | New Year Greetings From The World ”, defines new music national tide.


