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莫问(No Question)

莫问(No Question)

《莫问(No Question》以国风为骨、武侠为魂,融合粤语,在Trap与Drill的暗涌节奏中,撕裂浮华江湖的假面。 歌词以“莫问”为刃,剖开宿命与自由的悖论——“造化弄人”的桎梏下,有人沦为扯线傀儡,有人执灯照破混沌。戏腔如刃,说唱似火,质问世俗的“迂腐相投”与“财色双收”,却以“风骨留席”为誓,在荒诞世道中劈出一条血性的路。 这是给侠者独行的战书——纵人心如泥泞,山巅俯瞰者, 只问本心,莫问前程。 独创娱乐OG Entertainment YingYang Style 2025开年之作 "No Question (《莫问》)" weaves Cantonese-inspired traditional aesthetics with the soul of martial arts, tearing apart the gilded facade of a superficial world through the gritty pulse of Trap and Drill. The lyrics wield "no questions" as a blade, dissecting the paradox of fate and freedom—under the shackles of "destiny's cruelty," some become puppets on strings, while others ignite lanterns to pierce chaos. Operatic vocals slice like blades, rap verses blaze as fire, condemning society's "rotten alliances" and "greed-driven hypocrisy," yet vow to carve a blood-stained path through absurdity with "uncompromising integrity." This is a manifesto for lone warriors: though hearts drown in mud, those who stand atop mountains follow their core, leaving destiny unasked. OG Entertainment YingYang Style 2025


