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谢谢你们爱我 Thank You for Loving Me

谢谢你们爱我 Thank You for Loving Me

Chinese (中文): 《谢谢你们爱我》是一首以温暖与感恩为主题的歌曲,延续了上一首《挂着鼻涕的咪子》的情感,这次透过已经抵达「猫的伊甸园」的咪子的视角,诉说着家庭给予它满满的爱。旋律柔和而充满温馨,歌词以猫的眼睛去观察和感受,展现了与主人间深厚的情感连结。这首歌不仅表达了对家庭的感激,也回应了猫咪对主人的深爱,是一封充满情感的音乐告白。 English: "Thank You for Loving Me" is a heartwarming song themed around gratitude and love, continuing the narrative of the previous song, The Sniffling Kitty. This time, the story is told from the perspective of the cat, who has now reached "The Cat's Eden," reflecting on the unconditional love it received from its family. The melody is gentle and tender, with lyrics capturing the bond between the cat and its owners. The song conveys both gratitude for the family's care and the cat’s own profound love for them, making it a heartfelt musical letter.


