Chinese (中文): 《青涩校园恋爱曲》是一张充满青春气息和怀旧氛围的专辑,捕捉了学生时代的纯真与青涩的恋爱故事。专辑中的每一首歌曲都以轻快的旋律与简单的歌词,描绘了年少时的悸动与纯粹的情感,那些初恋的甜蜜、青涩的告白,以及和同伴们共度的欢乐时光,都在歌曲中被真实呈现。这张专辑充满了对青春岁月的回忆,让听众重温那段无忧无虑、充满希望的校园时光。 English: "Young Love in the Schoolyard" is an album filled with the essence of youth and nostalgia, capturing the innocent and bittersweet love stories from school days. Each song in the album features light melodies and simple lyrics, portraying the fluttering heartbeats and pure emotions of adolescence. The sweetness of first love, awkward confessions, and the joy of spending time with friends are vividly brought to life through the music. This album is a celebration of youthful memories, allowing listeners to relive the carefree and hopeful days of school life.