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So Fine a Lady

So Fine a Lady

Oh sure, you'd like to hear that the story of the band called Chip & Drifty is glutted with the lurid extravagances of the rock-and-roll lifestyle. You'd just love that, wouldn't you? The truth is somewhat more subdued. For example, the last "wild and crazy" party we played also featured a yo-yo guy and friend of ours premiering a rather unpolished stand-up routine. But that, friends, is the understated magic of Chip & Drifty. Chip & Drifty is David Levine and Tim Curran, not necessarily in that order -- then again, maybe in that order. Who's to say? David and Tim have been writing and performing music together for nearly 15 years, and have prided themselves on making nearly no money in that time, and garnering very little fame. But all that's about to change. And so we give you Chip & Drifty's latest album, "So Fine a Lady." Enjoy.


