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◎最伟大女歌手继2005年《Guilty Pleasures》后,相隔13年全球期待最新原创专辑 ◎荣获5座艾美奖+10座格莱美奖+2座奥斯卡奖+1座托尼奖,史上第一位达成演艺界大满贯「EGOT」荣耀女艺人 ◎在动盪不安时刻,芭芭拉以音乐及歌声疗癒人心,召唤唯有爱能超越一切之时代钜作 ◎汇集席琳狄翁、玛丽亚凯莉、唐妮布蕾斯顿、雪儿等格莱美黄金团队联合制作 ◎收录最新震撼主打〈Don’t Lie To Me〉,及传世经典〈Imagine/What A Wonderful World〉等共11首抚慰人心动容曲目 创下连续6个年代皆拥有冠军专辑纪录的芭芭拉史翠珊,唯一纵横1960-2010年代,乐风不受限的魅力征服歌坛各领域,立足「史上最畅销艺人」前10强名单中唯一女性,除了歌手、词曲作者、唱片制作人外,同时兼任舞台剧和电影演员、制片和导演、设计师、作家等头衔,一举囊括电视界的Emmy Award(艾美奖)、音乐界的Grammy Award(格莱美奖)、电影界的Oscar Award(奥斯卡奖)与戏剧界的Tony Award(托尼奖)之演艺圈大满贯「EGOT」荣耀!2016年送上《 Encore:Movie Partners Sing Broadway》专辑,保送公告牌流行榜冠军席次,为了宣传这张专辑,芭芭拉展开名为《Barbra:The Music…The Mem'ries…The Magic!》巡迴演唱会,以美国和加拿大两地为主,历经14座城市、完成16场秀、超过20万人次观赏,缔造5300万美元高票房,再次证明这位风华绝代的世纪天后不败地位! 演唱会告一段落,立刻投入新碟《Walls》录制工作,自与比吉斯Barry Gibb完美携手《Guilty Pleasures》后,送上相隔13年之久的最新原创专辑。一次汇集Walter Afanasieff+John Shanks+David Foster+Desmond Child格莱美加持的四大名师联合制作,有著长久合作并且是好友关係的Alan和Marilyn Bergman夫妻档共同写歌,如此坚强的黄金幕后阵容,绝对精彩可期!弦乐和弗拉明戈吉他交织的开场〈What's On My Mind〉,带领听众前进深邃无垠的梦幻空间;第一波主打〈Don't Lie To Me〉,无助的呐喊让演绎情感毫无保留宣洩,无比的穿透力令人动容,获得传媒一致好评;〈Imagine / What A Wonderful World〉则是将John Lennon与Louis Armstrong的经典串连,一次重温两首传世大歌;同名歌谣〈Walls〉,将欲言又止的徬徨心境流露无遗;重新诠释摇滚先锋女歌手Jackie DeShannon 1965年大作〈What The World Needs Now〉,由灵魂唱将Michael McDonald和全方位才子Babyface站台唱合,携手用爱征服一切;气势磅礡的流行摇滚与弦乐碰撞〈The Rain Will Fall〉,备足坚忍毅力与撼动生命的乐章!由收于芭芭拉3项格莱美奖首张专辑《The Barbra Streisand Album》的最爱单曲〈Happy Days Are Here Again〉来画下此辑尾声,芭芭拉相信幸福终究会再次降临!虽然专辑透露现今政治、社会等现象,但是一切的动盪不安都在芭芭拉温暖歌声中化解,用爱包容一切,抚慰每颗受伤心灵,打破你我之间构筑的高牆! Walls is the stunning new album from Barbra Streisand. This collection is Streisand's first album primarily consisting of original songs since 2005. Walls finds Barbra exploring both her concerns and hopes for the future in a collection filled with beautiful melodies and thought-provoking lyrics. In addition to the three original tunes which the Oscar-winning songwriter contributed to, the songs on Walls explore topics near to the celebrated artist's heart. Streisand also brings a fresh perspective to the classic songs "Imagine" and "What A Wonderful World," and the Bacharach/David pop standard "What The World Needs Now." The penultimate song that Streisand sings is a timely one called "Take Care Of This House" by the legendary composer Leonard Bernstein and lyricist Alan Jay Lerner. Barbra she shares production and arrangement duties on Walls with Walter Afanasieff, John Shanks and David Foster all Grammy recipients for Producer of the Year and Songwriter Hall of Fame recipient Desmond Child. Streisand's vision also comes through on the defining title track "Walls," with lyrics specifically written for the album by revered Streisand collaborators Alan & Marilyn Bergman. The first song to be released from Walls was the passionate plea, "Don't Lie To Me," where Streisand shares the guiding principles and values she has believed in, spoken about, and fought for her entire life. Streisand is the only recording artist in history to achieve a #1 Album in six consecutive decades. She has recorded 52 gold, 31 platinum and 13 multi-platinum albums in her career. She is the only woman to make the All-Time Top 10 Best Selling Artists list. Streisand has had 34 albums make the Top 10 on the US charts, the only female artist to have achieved this milestone, tying her with Frank Sinatra. She is also the female artist with the most number one albums in Billboard s history. Widely recognized as an icon for her artistic achievements, she has been awarded two Oscars, ten Grammys including two special Grammys, five Emmys, three Peabodys, and eleven Golden Globes including the Cecil B. DeMille Award. In 2015, President Barack Obama presented her with the highest civilian honor the United States bestows, the Presidential Medal of Freedom. She had already received the National Medal of Arts from President Clinton in 2000, as well as France's prestigious Legion of Honor.
