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新乐府 | 随遇 - 杭州春遇

新乐府 | 随遇 - 杭州春遇

联手国内外新锐音乐人,寻求与中国音乐及传统文化的契合点,在不同地域环境、场合的即兴表演与专辑录制;触发东西方文化内核的撞击,疏通跨越时间空间的音乐脉络。首张专辑《杭州春遇》,一位年轻的制作人,三位文化背景、艺术风格迥异的音乐家——当代新锐的音乐制作理念、北欧清冷梦幻的韵律起伏、打击乐器丰富的节拍灵动、内陆深远低回的马头琴音——因一次机缘巧合,在杭州春日湿润的空气里,如苔痕在不意间爬满了台阶,仅用两天的录制时间,却促成一次仿佛浑然天成的东西方艺术碰撞。 China Music House cooperates with vigorous musicians worldwide, trying to find he intersection of western and eastern culture. We will make impromptu shows and records in different environments and occasions, trying to touch inner soul of different culture, improving artistic and cultural communication. The first album Spring Encounter in Hangzhou, China Music House has cooperated with a young producer, three musicians of totally different cultural background and artistic style. Here we can encounter the contemporary talented music producing method, fresh and dreamlike rhyme from north Europe, flexible and abundant percussion rhythm, also the lasting distinct morin huur inland – building up a artistic collision like nature within just two days of recording.


