by John Storm Roberts, Original Music Though he was already one of the biggest names in Sahelian pop when it was made back in the 1980s, this album was a good part of what put him on the international map. On their way away from their earlier Cuban sound, N'Dour and Super Etoile did a nice job of marrying Sahel and soul, despite some rather pointless synthesizer. And, of course, by now this one is part of recent musical history -- almost a classic, in fact. And yes, it's disgracefully short.
Youssou N'Dour、Super Etoile de Dakar 6773702 07:03
Youssou N'Dour、Super Etoile de Dakar 9044456 09:25
Youssou N'Dour、Super Etoile de Dakar 11471953 11:56
Youssou N'Dour、Super Etoile de Dakar 5359720 05:34