Disco Inferno
NM002 Album Category Documentary, Entertainment/Showbiz, Film Music Styles, Pop: Rock, Promos/Trailers Description Fleet-footed disco dance-floor action This is a digital retail release ( as seen on sites such as Amazon and Google Play) of library tracks originally published by the Network Music Library in 1979. All digital library releases are commercially credited to the collective artist name "Network Music Ensemble". Individual track credits are shown on library music licensing sites, such as Killer Tracks and the various Universal Music Group sites. The Killer Tracks link for this album is here: http://www.killertracks.com/#!/browse/browsed-results.aspx?SelectedCDId=2743.
Network Music Ensemble 3876863 04:02
Network Music Ensemble 3988882 04:09
Network Music Ensemble 3825032 03:59
Network Music Ensemble 6735276 07:00
Network Music Ensemble 2282763 02:22
Network Music Ensemble 3476876 03:37