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世间美好 (瑜伽冥想,促眠纯音乐)The world is beautiful (yoga meditation, pure music to promote sleep)

世间美好 (瑜伽冥想,促眠纯音乐)The world is beautiful (yoga meditation, pure music to promote sleep)

瑜伽冥想可以说是瑜伽练习中极为重要的一方面,主要基于在宁静的氛围中不断提升自己思想和心灵的境界,达到身心高度的和谐统一。那么,瑜伽冥想具体的好处有哪些呢? 1、放松精神 深入冥想可以将人的思想带入到一种玄奥的境界,能够帮助瑜伽练习者缓解和释放压抑、忧郁等负面情绪,减少情感压力,让内心世界变得祥和平静,也有利于良好品性的养成。 2、减轻疼痛 当身体出现一些例如感冒发烧、腹痛腹泻、肢体疼痛等病症时,利用药物、抗生素治疗是一种有效且及时的选择。其实,冥想同样可以帮助减轻病症带来的痛楚,重点在于心境和躯体运动的调节。 3、发掘潜能 日常中人的大多数潜能都被无形中隐藏了起来,而通过瑜伽冥想,可以在寻找和还原自我的过程中获得心灵的平静,进而不断挖掘内心深处隐藏的巨大能量,升华自己的思想境界,消除负面困扰。 4、增强自信 瑜伽冥想可以让个体超脱物质欲念的困扰,让大脑能够更加清晰的认识世界,也更能帮助练习者集中注意力,对于提高日常学习工作效率和建立积极的心态十分重要,也更能促进自信心的构建。 本专辑共10首围绕大自然演奏的促眠钢琴曲,由专业冥想音乐厚土小姐团队独家演奏、混音技术 1、风雨无阻 2、海阔天空 3、生生不息 4、谦虚好学 5、感恩之心 6、花香鸟语 7、勤奋好学 8、世间万物 9、努力奋斗 10、美好世界 Yoga meditation can be said to be an extremely important aspect of yoga practice, mainly based on constantly improving one's thoughts and spiritual realm in a peaceful atmosphere, achieving a high degree of harmony and unity between body and mind. So, what are the specific benefits of yoga meditation? 1. Relax your mindDeep meditation can bring a person's mind into a mystical realm, helping yoga practitioners alleviate and release negative emotions such as depression and melancholy, reduce emotional pressure, make the inner world peaceful and calm, and also promote the development of good character. 2. Reduce painWhen the body experiences symptoms such as colds, fever, abdominal pain, diarrhea, limb pain, etc., using medication and antibiotics for treatment is an effective and timely choice. In fact, meditation can also help alleviate the pain caused by illness, with a focus on regulating mood and physical movement. 3. Explore potentialMost of the potential of people in daily life is hidden invisibly, and through yoga meditation, one can find peace of mind in the process of searching and restoring oneself, and continuously explore the huge energy hidden deep inside, elevate one's ideological realm, and eliminate negative troubles. 4. Enhance self-confidenceYoga meditation can help individuals transcend the troubles of material desires, enable the brain to have a clearer understanding of the world, and assist practitioners in concentrating. It is crucial for improving daily learning and work efficiency, establishing a positive mindset, and promoting the construction of self-confidence.This album consists of 10 sleep inducing piano pieces played around nature, exclusively performed and mixed by the professional meditation music team, Miss Thick Soil 1. Regardless of wind or rain 2. Vast sea and vast sky 3. Endless vitality 4. Humble and eager to learn 5. Grateful heart 6. Flower fragrance and bird language 7. Diligent and eager to learn 8. All things in the world 9. Strive hard 10. Beautiful World
